Newsletter July 2018

Dear Real-Estate Friends,

Have you heard of ISOS? The – "Bundesinventar für schützenswerte Ortsbilder der Schweiz von nationaler Bedeutung", i.e. the federal register of monuments in Switzerland of national importance and worthy of protection, was set up on a national level entirely clandestinely and in camera. No property owner was given the opportunity to have a say in the classification of his land and property or his local neighborhood. Up until now, there was a widely-held view that ISOS only had relevance for federal buildings and BZO purposes (Bau und Zonenordnung, i.e. building and planning legislation). In the meantime, however, at least two court judgements have been made public in which it is apparent that ISOS has been called upon as overriding authority even for privately-owned buildings, where planning permission has been awarded subject to inventory listing.

Only a few days ago, Zurich's city council entered into a horse-trade with the national landmark trust that will have devastating impact. Without consulting either the people or parliament, it was conceded that ISOS would henceforward be taken into account when determining building and planning requirements for the future. Not so much as a single elected MP raised any objection; nor did any of the press run a critical exposé. According to one newspaper report, the national Homeowners' Association is "greatly relieved" that the building and planning regulations from 2014 are finally being introduced as late as November 2018. The outcome of this particular deal will have far-reaching consequences for future urban development and for any building projects undertaken in the city, fundamentally changing it forever.

With my best regards from the real estate sector,
Claude Ginesta

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