We're happy when people talk about us.

What satisfied customers say about Ginesta Immobilien

The satisfaction of our customers is the basis of our business activities. On the one hand, because long-term cooperation is important to us. On the other hand, because we gain most new customers through the referrals of satisfied customers. Read what some satisfied clients have written about their cooperation with Ginesta Immobilien.

Kompetent, angenehme Zusammenarbeit

Professionalität der Vermarktung war beeindruckend. Ich wurde laufend über den Stand der Verkaufsverhandlungen informiert. Die Verkaufsdokumentation hat mir besonders gefallen.

H. Bader aus Malans

Gute Beratung und grosses Engagement

Wir fühlten uns durch unsere Maklerin Frau Knapp durchgängig wunderbar betreut und wir möchten uns auch auf diesem Weg nochmals für die exzellente Zusammenarbeit mit ihrer Agentur bedanken.

Sie hat uns während des gesamten Kaufs bestens beraten und war bis zum Abschluss sehr engagiert. Aus diesen Gründen können wir ihre Agentur nur voll und ganz weiterempfehlen!

M. C. Käuferschaft Langnau a. A.

Professional with great commitment

Ginesta has accompanied us professionally and with great commitment since August 18 in the sale of our terrace apartment in Meilen.
The result: Thanks to the support and guidance, we were able to hand over the keys to our apartment to the new owners last Friday, on 10.11.23. We are convinced of the possibilities and with Ms. Knapp at the front of Ginesta Immobilien and are happy to recommend you.

T. & H. F. Eigentümer

Schneller zielorientierter Verkauf

Wir haben Frau Knapp bei einer Besichtigung in einem anderen Mandat kennengelern. So habe ich Ginesta Immobilien AG mit der Bewertung meiner Liegenschaft beauftragt. Die Bewertung und die gewinnende Art von Frau Knapp hat mich bewogen Ginesta Immobilien AG den Auftrag zum Verkauf der Liegenschaft zu geben. Es konnte innert kürzester Zeit ein entschlossener Interessent gefunden werden, der einen meinen Vorstellungen entsprechenden Kaufpreis zu bezahlen bereit war. Ich habe Frau Knapp als eine kompetente und zielorientierte Immobilienberaterin kennengelernt, die ich wärmstens empfehlen kann.

B. W. Eigentümer

Gerne empfehlen wir Ginesta weiter

Wir möchten uns beim Ginesta Team Horgen, Herrn Fazzino, Berater Akquisition und der Frau Knapp, Vermarkterin, nochmals bedanken für den erfolgreichen Verkauf unserer Liegenschaft. Ginesta Immobilien AG haben wir als professionelle und leistungsfähige Firma kennen und schätzen gelernt. Die angenehme Art und die perfekte Leistung haben wir sehr geschätzt und sind sehr zufrieden. Gerne bewerten wir folgende Kriterien der Immobilienmaklerin Beatrice Knapp mit sehr gut:
•    Fachliche Kompetenz
•    Persönlicher Service
•    Planvolle Vorgehensweise
•    Qualifizierte Beratung
•    Zusammenstellung und Qualität der Verkaufsunterlagen
•    Koordination der Immobilienbesichtigung mit Kaufinteressenten
•    Vorbereitung des Kaufvertrages, Beurkundung und persönliche Begleitung zur Eigentumsübertragung auf dem Notariat

R. & R. Noser Eigentümer

Sehr zu empfehlen

Schon vom ersten Kontakt an fühlte ich mich sehr gut beraten. Die ganzen Vorbereitungsarbeiten zum Verkauf gingen sehr schnell und ein Käufer wurde ebenfalls sehr schnell gefunden. Ginesta kann ich auf Grund von grosser Fachkompetenz sowie erfahrenem Personal bestens empfehlen.

P. Rüegg aus Eschenbach SG

Good recommendation

Ginesta Immobilien was recommended to me by my bank's client advisor. The sale of my Apartment, a bijou, was completely delegated to Ginesta Immobilien. I saved my nerves and time, was well represented and achieved a very good price that was appropriate for the property.

Dr. H.W. from Wettingen

Great service and perfect sale

Our experience with Ginesta Immobilien for the sale of 2 studios in Pontresina was positive throughout. The cooperation was extremely pleasant, the employees involved highly competent and very friendly, and the handling quick and uncomplicated. Thanks to the good networking, the suitable buyers were found quickly and the sale was handled professionally. Based on our experience, we recommend Ginesta Immobilien without reservation.

R. Herzog, Pontresina

Rundum zufrieden

Von der ersten Minute an waren wir von der Betreuung durch die Mitarbeiterinnen der Ginesta Immobilien AG begeistert.

Frau J. Ecknauer und Frau S. Vogler haben uns den Verkauf unseres EFH mit viel Fachkenntnis, Professionalität und vor allem mit viel Einfühlungsvermögen und Menschlichkeit erleichtert. Von der Besichtigung bis zur Verkaufsvertrags-Unterzeichnung verlief alles problemlos und zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit.

Wir werden Ginesta jederzeit gerne weiterempfehlen.

C. und E. W. aus Langnau am Albis Eigentümer

Vermarktung ist Vertrauenssache

Der Verkauf einer Immobilie ist aufwendig. Es gibt Vieles zu beachten und zu berücksichtigen. Da ist es ein schönes Gefühl, eine Vertrauensperson an der Seite zu haben, die sich um wirklich alles kümmert: von einer realistischen Bewertung, der Erstellung der Vermarktungsunterlagen, den Besichtigungen mit Interessenten, der Ausarbeitung des Kaufvertrages und die Koordination mit den öffentlichen Stellen bis hin zur Beurkundung. Bei uns war das Frau Janine Leutwiler, die mit ihrer sympathischen Art, ihrem grossen Know-how und sehr viel Engagement den Verkauf unserer Eigentumswohnung erfolgreich zum Abschluss brachte. Wir haben uns wohlgefühlt und sagen Danke.

Alfred Briedl/Eva Greber Briedl Eigentümer

Reliable partner

„I have known the Ginesta company for about 40 years. You can rely on their word. Recently I was looking for a private house on the right bank of Lake Zurich. The transaction was as simple as that:

I passed by the Ginesta Office and asked them to give me the three best offers for my needs. The second house, which I visited the next day, exceeded my expectations by far ! The purchase could be completed within one month, including three inspections, regulation of transfer status, conclusion of preliminary contract, draft notary's office, securing of property profit taxes, revision of notary's draft, handing over of all relevant documents including craftsmen's directory and public notarization with simultaneous transfer of ownership."

I highly recommend Ginesta real estate!

Dr. Alfred Meili, Zürich Owner

We will keep in touch

Thank you so very much for your super professional, prompt, efficient and at all times warm and friendly services rendered! It has been an absolute pleasure dealing with Vanessa Jeannet from Ginesta Immobilien and we are grateful having her on board, guiding us through the process of buying this great property. We will certainly keep in touch.


Nele & Kevin 

Plus point

Ginesta Immobilien has been well known to our community of heirs for over 30 years. Already 20 years ago and again 10 years ago Ginesta Immobilien was able to successfully transfer two of our no longer needed properties into new hands. It was therefore only natural to commission Ginesta Immobilien again with the sale of a large property with a lot of building land. The transaction was completed professionally and purposefully. Within a few months, Ginesta Immobilien was able to present several interested parties for the large detached house with land reserve and also for the additional building land. Ginesta Immobilien prepared informative sales brochures for the property and the building land and placed both properties in electronic and print media. The visits with interested parties, the preparation of the contract documents and the notarial support were carried out professionally and quickly. The competent advice on entering the property gains tax was very helpful. The extensive database of Ginesta Immobilien is a strong plus point. We can highly recommend Ginesta Immobilien for the sale of real estate and building land.

Community of heirs Reimmann from Z.

Sale of a family house in need of renovation - completely satisfied!

I was already familiar with your renowned family business. From the first contact I felt in good and professional hands. I was accompanied at all times with heart and competence by Mr. Stefan Meier. Nothing was too much for him. In the sales process we encountered unforeseen events, even there I was competently accompanied with a steady hand. The process was transparent, personal and very sympathetic from A to Z, which led to a fully satisfactory result. If I were to sell a house or apartment again, I would turn to them again. In my environment, I will recommend them with the best conscience. Once again, a very big thank you, especially to Stefan Meier.



Eigentlich bin ich selber Immobilientreuhänder und auch im Verkauf tätig. Eine gute Freundin von mir, die in Dubai wohnt und in Zug eine Wohnung zu verkaufen hatte, hat mich angefragt, dies zu übernehmen. Durch die Nähe zur Person habe ich ihr dann empfohlen, in dieser Sache doch eine Drittperson einzuschalten und empfahl ihr die Ginesta Immobilien AG. Eine erste Sitzung fand statt und dann ein zweites Gespräch zwischen meiner Freundin, mir und Frau Sarah Vogler der Ginesta Immobilien AG. Es war auf Anhieb eine positive Begegnung. Frau Vogler hat die Aufarbeitung der Verkaufsunterlagen und den Auftritt, die Besichtigungen und dann natürlich auch den erfolgreichen Verkauf durchgeführt. Freundlich, offen und kompetent habe ich Frau Vogler kennen gelernt. Sollte wieder einmal ein Mandat an mich kommen, welches ich aus diversen Gründen nicht selber abwickeln möchte, so werde ich sie meiner Kundschaft mit gutem Gewissen empfehlen. Es war für mich eine sehr schöne Zusammenarbeit.

Anton Hürlimann Immobilientreuhänder Unterägeri

Verkauf einer Architekturikone mit Baulandparzelle

Als wir uns entschieden, unsere Liegenschaft zu verkaufen, erkundeten wir mehrere einschlägige Maklerportale. Dabei fiel uns der Newsletter von Herrn Claude Ginesta besonders auf durch fundierte Analysen und Einschätzungen.
Da es sich beim zu veräussernden Objekt um eine denkmalgeschützte Architekturikone sowie eine zusätzliche Baulandparzelle handelte, reichten wir unser umfangreiches Dossier neben Ginesta zwei weiteren Maklerfirmen ein.
Anlässlich der jeweils separaten Objektbesichtigungen zur Akquisition überzeugte Frau Angela Kienast durch genaueste Dossier- und Sachkenntnis; die darauf vom Schätzungsdesk erstellte umfangreiche Marktbeurteilung/Verkaufsofferte stellte die Mitbewerber bezüglich Professionalität und Informationsgehalt buchstäblich in den Schatten - womit unsere Wahl klar auf Ginesta fiel. Mit grosser Fachkompetenz, diplomatischem Geschick und Einfühlungsvermögen führte Frau Beatrice Knapp von Ginesta Horgen den gesamten Verkaufsprozess bis zum erfreulichen Abschluss - herzlichen Dank!

H. H. Eigentümer

Competent contact

„Ginesta Immobilien Verwaltungen AG has been managing our property for years and is a competent point of contact for us in all real estate matters. We particularly appreciate the fast and serious management of our clients and the pleasant and personal relationship."

A. Schoellkopf / R. Egloff Owner

Any time again...

Whether buying or selling residential property, I can only recommend Ginesta Immobilien. I wanted to sell my ETW but I didn't want to "burden" myself with it. Ginesta took over everything from A-Z. After a few weeks, I sat across from the buyer at the notary's office and the sale was perfect. The entire team at Ginesta is not only professional, but also always supportive and empathetic on the client side. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again. Great job.

Mr. Mauthner, Meilen

Excellent expertise

Our community of heirs owned an extraordinarily large property in a particularly beautiful location. When we were considering the sale, we were convinced by the expertise and the concept of the Ginesta company. The special location and size of the plots, as well as our specifications for the sale, presented a challenge and required clarifications, which were always presented to us in a timely and transparent manner. We were always accompanied through the sales process in a competent and reliable manner. We can highly recommend the company Ginesta. 

Erbengemeinschaft von Erlach Dr. Rudolf von Erlach

Competent, professional, sympathetic

From the first meeting with the Ginesta team to the change of hands with the buyer, it was a pleasure to be looked after by the Ginesta company; the sale of our property was competently accompanied with a great deal of empathy, a professional manner and transparent communication. Above all, the uncomplicated, friendly and affable personality and way of working of our real estate consultant suited us very well. 

Christine und Richard Rüegg, Zürich

Expectations far surpassed

As a community of heirs abroad, professional support in the sale of the property was very important to us. We were particularly impressed by the very competent personal and empathetic support provided by Ms. Stefanie Bigler. Her commitment and constant availability were exemplary and very helpful for us.

Dr. A.B. aus Bielefeld

Good choice

As we were already living abroad, we needed an extremely reliable and experienced real estate agent with a clear and transparent sales concept for the sale of our large terrace house.
After two informative meetings with Claude Ginesta, we were able to decide in favor of Ginesta Immobilien.
Our real estate consultant Nicole Gull handled the entire sales process with her authentic and natural appearance. The communication always worked perfectly. With a great deal of dedication and professionalism, our terrace house found an extremely satisfied clientele within a few months. We are very satisfied and will gladly recommend Ginesta Immobilien to others.

Mr. and Mrs. Fuchs Owner

Expectations exceeded

Ginesta Immobilien AG has far exceeded our expectations for the sale of our Apartment. The real estate agent, Mrs. Leutwiler, was always available for us. Her admirable dedication, her impressive professional competence and her human qualities have always surprised us.

Mr. and Mrs. M. und V. S. from Zug

Very pleased

I am super satisfied with the sale of our flat in 8700 Küsnacht. Ginesta Immobilien is competent, the staff very courteous and helpful as well as professional and also punctual.

Dr. med. Dominik L. Feindegen

All-round perfect service.

Ms. Knapp, who has been at Ginesta Immobilien AG for many years, has accompanied the property purchase with a great deal of sensitivity. She took our workload into account in the best possible way and accompanied us in an excellent manner and even reminded us if something was still outstanding.

A.I. from Zurich

First class service

Working with Ginesta has been exceptional. All parties I have had contact with at your firm over many years (starting with Vanessa) have displayed a level of knowledge, professionalism & client service that have far exceeded expectations.
I can say with all honesty I am 150% pleased with my choice to work with Ginesta & I know I can count on you to help my business.
I hope we will have many opportunities to work together again in future & synergistically create value for each other.
Thank you for your first class service.

S.G. aus Wollerau

Specialized knowledge

I have commissioned Ginesta Immobilien Verwaltungen AG with the letting and management of a historic old building property following its renovation. I was very satisfied with the handling. The company's distinctive specialist knowledge convinced me and it offers a good basis for the future use of the property.

C. Vaucher Owner

Grosse Reichweite sowie schnelle und sehr professionelle Abwicklung

Mich hat der sehr grosse Interessentenstamm potentieller Käufer sehr überrascht. Wir konnten im Bieterverfahren zum bestmöglichen Preis verkaufen. Vielen Dank.

Monika G. aus Bertschikon Eigentümerin

Sale of condominium by Ginesta Immobilien AG

The whole process from valuation, advertising and viewings to the transfer of ownership worked perfectly in all respects. 
Many thanks to Ms Leutwiler, who skilfully guided us through the whole process with her friendliness and competence.

G. und W.H. aus Zürich

In good hands

„We know our property is in good hands: The competence, experience and reliability of Ginesta Immobilien Verwaltungen AG convince us. Above all, we value always having the same contact person who knows our expectations and ensures continuity in the execution of our mandate."

Prof. Dr. R. Kind Delegate of the co-owners association

Our best decision

After yesterday's transfer of the property to the new owners, we would like to express our sincere thanks.
The sale of our property into your hands was our best decision.
We were perfectly informed, very competently advised and accompanied at all times during the entire sales process.
Many thanks to Mrs Stadlin for her great commitment!

Frau B. K. aus Zürich

Successful marketing

„The marketing of an apartment building after complete renovation was approached very purposefully and also implemented extremely successfully. I was particularly pleased that the rental rates proposed by Ginesta Immobilien Verwaltungen AG were absolutely in line with the market and could be implemented accordingly."

Ralph Doppler / Michel Muhl Doppler + Partner Architekten AG


„For me, direct contact with the acting employees of Ginesta Immobilien Verwaltungen AG is important. I am very satisfied with the management, controlling and interaction with my tenants. I have already recommended you several times and will gladly do so again. As a real estate owner, I feel that I am in good hands with you at all times".

S. Grütter Owner

Top service quality

„The move to Ginesta Immobilien Verwaltungen AG was the right decision. Previously, we had been struggling with difficult vacancies time and again. After taking over the management mandate, Ginesta Immobilien Verwaltungen AG managed to achieve full occupancy of our apartment building within a very short time. In addition, we are always pleased about their top service quality."

U. Oechslin Delegate of the community of heirs