Ginesta Immobilien - an employer with prospects and a comfort factor

When Vanessa Jeannet started working at Ginesta Immobilien in August 2016, we were just over 20 employees. Today, we are over 50. In today's interview, we wanted to find out why this is so, what motivates her every day and what development opportunities real estate advisors can expect in her team.

Dear Vanessa. It's nice of you to take the time for this interview, even though there are certainly other things to do at the moment with the high demand for real estate.
It really is the case and I can only confirm the reports in the media that the number of enquiries is high and a property is sold much faster today than ever before. However, this is a dynamic that a well-positioned marketing company with the right people in every position can easily absorb. That's why I'm happy to take the time to explain why Ginesta has been the best place for me to successfully live my dream job in its entire spectrum for over five years and why I feel completely happy here.

In the middle of an already successful career as a marketer, what was the reason for your move to Ginesta?
The reputation of the company was the main reason that I became alert when I heard about the vacancy. A bit like the NZZ in the newspaper sector, Burberry for trench coats or the Rolex on your wrist: with a lot of tradition and obviously of the best quality, always there like any safe value and then often with special properties on offer that other estate agents can only dream of. My curiosity was aroused and my application was the beginning.

Was the image you brought with you to your first interview confirmed in this one?
Yes and no. The beautiful offices, the art on the walls, the attentive receptionist and the elegant meeting room confirmed my impression that they work at a high level and play in the top league here. The conversation with Claude (Ginesta) was at eye level and characterised by a relaxedness that I had not expected. It was quickly clear to me and to both of us that we would get along very well. To me, he seemed like the put-upon class leader that everyone likes. Sure of himself, obviously cultured, well-read and educated, and yet with the glow of a boy who is on fire for something. And above all with the beautiful trait that he obviously knows how to light this fire easily in others. This humanity and humility that I now know is an important factor in Ginesta's success. The ability to meet everyone openly, empathetically and with a smile, regardless of whether it's the seller of a 10-million-euro property, a talkative prospective buyer or the marketing trainee.

Didn't you have any reservations about joining a third-generation and at best patriarchal family business?
Not at all. I find it an advantage that both worlds are present here. André Ginesta, for example, is still in the office every day and his knowledge accumulated over decades and his countless experiences are an enrichment for everyone in the team. Claude, on the other hand, runs the company with the modern aspiration of gathering around him a team made up of the best in their field. Regardless of whether they are family or not. Each key person in the now five branches and at Ginesta Immobilien Verwaltungen AG, our property management company, has a great deal of autonomy and responsibility. Incidentally, this also applies to every employee: independence is demanded and encouraged. Because a healthy development with corresponding growth requires many strong links that make the chain strong for the diverse challenges of today.

Does this growth leave enough room to respond to the current dynamics of the market?
The market is always in motion and those who only react are always too late. That is precisely the strength of Ginesta, that there are competent people in every position who foresee trends and initiate the appropriate measures. Our size also plays into our hands: we are large enough to invest continuously in state-of-the-art systems, in digital marketing and in the creation of new specialised units - we now have our own IT experts, the valuation desk is being continuously expanded and we have also increased our marketing and services - and yet still small enough that it remains personal and that each and every individual feels responsible. This encourages personal best performance and in turn means that everyone has a first-class infrastructure and is given a great deal of freedom to organise their daily lives. In short: Ginesta is in an upward spiral that promotes creativity and performance. So in everyday life it sometimes feels like being in a rising start-up, while outwardly we are what we have always been: The first choice for demanding property sellers. Precisely because we do our homework before it is due to necessity or urgency.  

You mention the organisation of everyday life, where there is freedom. What do you mean by that?
If you spend a few hours on the road or at viewings in properties like we do as marketers, you have to manage the rest of your time well. Emails have to be answered, sales documentation has to be prepared, and time and again something has to be printed out to hand in. We make this easier for our employees by allowing them to work in all five branches. This means that if you live near Winterthur, have a team meeting in Küsnacht in the morning and then a viewing in Kreis 6, you can simply go to the office in Oerlikon to finish the documentation for the villa in Zumikon or print out the plans for the viewing in Dübendorf the next morning. Those who still have a lot of calls to make before the ski weekend in the mountains do so in our dream offices in Chur. Working in a home office has also become a popular option. This leads to relief in everyday life, a company-wide exchange of know-how and overall to a nice feeling of freedom, which we notice is extremely appreciated. The fact that we also have access to professional photographers, copywriters and translators also leads to relief and, of course, to above-average dossiers with which we can present ourselves to buyers. Various assistant positions provide additional relief so that our advisors can really concentrate on marketing.

Which brings me to the properties. When you start working at Ginesta, do you already have to have experience in selling luxury properties?
Of course, we always have exceptional architectural gems, stately art nouveau villas, castles or other historic buildings in the multi-million range on offer. Such properties and other demanding mandates are my speciality and are the first to land on my table. However, those who want to sell a property do not come to us because of this, but because of the consistently high quality of our services for all types of properties. Thus, existing properties with single-family houses and condominiums make up the majority, but our portfolio also includes building land, new construction projects and multi-family houses with or without a commercial component. This is a huge spectrum that helps every real estate consultant to develop professionally. Here, you learn something new with every property and, in addition to the beautiful name Ginesta in your CV, you also fill your experience rucksack. The expectations of our future employees are naturally high, but the sale of luxury properties, in contrast to the willingness to permanently develop oneself at a high level, is not part of the requirement profile. If you have the flair and talent for brokering particularly exclusive properties or are developing it here, I will of course be happy to introduce you to this fascinating field of activity.

That all sounds very interesting. And now, hand on heart: Is there still room in your team at the moment? And what can an applicant expect from you?
We are always interested in applications from marketing personalities with experience and professional qualifications. At the moment, we really do have a need for employees who can represent us as independent project managers of the portfolios entrusted to us to a discerning group of buyers. Because our growth efforts are succeeding and we always have various interesting properties in the pipeline. I see my role as that of a coach who first helps people to enter the Ginesta universe successfully and is then there in an advisory role to help everyone in the team to progress individually in their personal and professional development. My goal is to promote independence according to the motto "as little as possible, as much as necessary" just as much as successful sales.

How would you pitch Ginesta to such applicants? What would be your elevator pitch?
Just 15 minutes from Zurich, you'll find a dynamic team with a variety of friendly specialists with whom you can really boost your career. As part of Ginesta, you will benefit from the company's reputation and be valued and respected as a professional, both internally and by sellers and buyers. As we grow, there are opportunities for you to grow and progress with the success of the company. In addition to work, we maintain a pleasant atmosphere, the highest regard for everyone as an individual and a nice culture of regular social events and joint activities such as the annual ski weekend.

Thank you very much for the pleasant and interesting interview. And good luck in finding the right personalities for this great task.