A glimpse behind the scenes

The most important asset of a service company like us are the people. Some of us are frequently on the road for appraisals, viewings or flat handovers, others work behind the scenes to ensure that we can offer a top service from A to Z. With our social media campaign, we want to put a face to all of them and show that in our role as agents and managers of living spaces, we do everything we can to also create a space for our employees in which they feel comfortable and valued.

Perhaps you already follow us on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn and have already seen one or the other photo with a quote, perhaps you will only do so in the future. Because since January 2021, we have been presenting our team there at irregular intervals in addition to new properties that have come onto the market and market topics. The questions are open and the answers as colourful as our staff. A look at the gallery that has been created so far shows this impressively.

Because the number of professions has increased with our growth to soon 50 employees, the diversity of personalities has also increased. Where we used to hire a computer company, we now employ our own IT and digital specialists, human resources management can no longer be done by the management on the side, and we can give interns and young people in training the opportunity to immerse themselves in the demanding subject matter with professional guidance.

Such steps and bandwidths require a strong corporate culture, which on the one hand should be given in terms of general interaction and tone of conversation, processes or the way we toast each other's successes. On the other hand, everyone is allowed and should be able to help shape this corporate culture by feeling free to contribute as a specialist and as a person. The keywords here are independence, responsibility and creativity. 

Our basic attitude can best be described as cultivated openness. By responding to change and working in the community to provide attractive jobs for those who want something more than "business as usual". People who are willing to put in more of themselves with the incentive of getting more out of it.

Something that - as the market, the growth and the satisfaction of our employees at the five locations show - seems to be working very well for us and fills us with pride and joy. 

Thank you, all of you.