How private apartment building owners can also make their investment work best for them


As the saying goes, man is a creature of habit. This often means that changes, even if they would obviously lead to good things, are often delayed as long as possible. For example, we find, especially with private owners of apartment buildings with a few rented flats, that they often work for years but are dissatisfied with their usual management. Or they do everything themselves so as not to have to give away any of their income. Both can end up costing a lot of money and would be easier to change than to change cars.


First of all, hand on heart: Which type are you?
You know that you can change your basic health insurance to the cheapest provider every year. It is also very likely that there is a mobile phone subscription out there on the market that offers more than your current one and costs less. And what about the cost of keeping your bank accounts? These are all vexed topics that most people keep pushing into the drawer of long-term tendencies. Mainly because it takes a lot of effort and little return to plough through all the offers and then make the laborious switch. An understandable and, above all, widespread attitude, as a short and in no way representative survey of our staff during the lunch break also revealed.


The bigger the chunk, the more resolutely they should act.
But if you or your family own an investment property with rental properties, this attitude of procrastination can be much more serious. Doing nothing or doing the wrong thing will eventually be punished with a loss of yield, dissatisfied tenants or high costs for the restoration of a neglected property. Because where some only manage, we at Ginesta manage our entrusted properties proactively and as if they were our own. With vision, experience and proven tools.

What separates the wheat from the chaff.
Those who manage proactively are confronted with a large number of complex issues, each of which has the potential for success and satisfaction as well as this for displeasure and financially negative consequences. Our maxim is to look at the whole picture and do the best we can for our clients in each area. This includes legal aspects, good communication with owners, craftsmen and authorities, the analysis and improvement of the rent policy, the maintenance of the property, transparent owner information with financial status, regular inspections with condition analysis and, of course, the seamless re-letting of the properties. We could immediately get lost in the details again, but we have already done so and recommend reading the article "What does Ginesta Bewirtschaftungen actually do" if you are interested.

Best of all, this good advice is not expensive.
Sustainable management is complex and only leads to clarity and the possibility to improve the income situation with this knowledge if you do everything right. Through market-driven rents, optimised ancillary costs and long-term and measured refurbishment and renovation planning. Sometimes our recommendations also lead to the creation of a large flat with better earnings prospects out of two small flats, or a former office is converted back into a flat. It is not uncommon for our clients to discover after a short period of time that we have achieved more for them with our commitment and our knowledge than we have cost. Win-win.

All beginnings are enquiries.
If you are faced with the situation that you are dissatisfied with your administration or if you do everything yourself but feel overwhelmed by the variety of topics every now and then, invite us for a non-binding initial consultation. As professionals, we will quickly assess the situation and, on the basis of our initial analysis, which is free of charge to you, we will make you a tailor-made offer on the basis of which you can decide. If you also suspect that more could be achieved, go one step further and commission us for our tried and tested apratment building check-up. We systematically analyse all yield-relevant factors down to the last detail and make appropriate recommendations.

Switching is easier than you think.
Once we have reached an agreement, it is quicker than switching mobile providers, because you only need to do two things. Firstly, you have to give notice to your old management, and we will take care of the rest with them for you. Secondly, you open a rent account in your name. As is usual for any reputable administration, it is not in our interest to hoard your income with us and manage it in a collective account. This way, you have access at all times and can even see online how things stand at the moment.

We therefore recommend that you, as a private owner of investment properties, take advantage of the same opportunities as the big players by using us as your partner. As an experienced management partner for a large number of discerning clients, we have the experience and, as a member of SVIT, we guarantee absolute reliability. In addition, the change is uncomplicated for you, it will be worthwhile in the long term and you can devote yourself entirely to the pleasant side of being a landlord.

I look forward to your enquiry.

Ralph Geigle

Managing Director Ginesta Immobilien Verwaltungen AG

044 914 17 05