How to rent successfully despite Corona and home office - an interview.

At a time when it is unclear for many companies how things will continue and how the workplace of the future will develop, the team at Ginesta Immobilien Bewirtschaftung has been able to record several and in some cases seamless leasing successes of office and commercial properties. Deborah Pinelli* explains in an interview how this is possible even under difficult circumstances.

Reading the news, one would think that currently the demand for commercial space must be very small. Is this assumption wrong?

This is where we see our main task as real estate service providers and professional managers: to take the owners of commercial premises by the hand and adapt their offer to the market. Because what was true just a few years ago no longer necessarily applies today. Former store premises have become architectural offices, production halls have become event locations and unmanaged train stations have become shopping zones. The change doesn't always have to be on this scale, but it is certainly crucial to take an in-depth look at the potential of the property and the potential target groups and to bring this into line.

You seem to have succeeded in doing that several times recently. Congratulations on that. But now the question: How exactly?

Thank you (laughs). There are various factors that have to go hand in hand for successful leasing. These certainly include market knowledge and also the ability to recognize the potential of a property and to see the way in which this potential can be profitably exploited. Thanks to our database of prospective tenants, Ginesta Immobilien's more than 75-year anchorage in the region and the priceless network that has grown out of it, we have knowledge of the wishes of companies looking for a new office or commercial space. Thanks to our many relationships with architects with preliminary projects, we show them what is possible in a property that may not seem ideal at first glance. With negotiation skills, it is then a matter of bringing our property management client together with the potential tenant and creating deals that are optimal for both parties. Who bears which conversion costs and how long should the contract run? This goes into great detail and requires construction, financial and human skills that only a team like ours can handle. Because the best solutions always emerge in exchange with my esteemed colleagues.

And what about the luck factor?

(Laughs again) Gotcha! In the case of a recently seamlessly rented property, this was indeed an important factor that must not be explained away. It was a beautiful and listed property that our future tenant had been looking  for a long time without success and was able to decide on the offer accordingly quickly. Of course, that is always nice for us, too. But as I said, it would be unprofessional and negligent to expect this. After all, as a property manager, we have a duty and responsibility to our customers to find a suitable solution wherever possible.

Thank you for the interesting conversation.

* Deborah Pinelli is a certified real estate manager and has been working for Ginesta Immobilien in Küsnacht for five years. She manages a diverse real estate portfolio with residential and commercial properties.