On July 1, 2001, Claude started as an employee in the sole proprietorship of his father André Ginesta, who was then running the company in the second generation. In 2009, it became a limited company, Claude became co-owner and then sole managing director in 2015. Branches were opened, one joined renowned international networks and experienced a nice growth in these 20 years. So it's an ideal time to look back and forward together.

Dear Claude, first of all, congratulations on this anniversary. 20 years, a long time. Did it seem that way to you, or did it fly by?
The time flew by, although it also left its mark. I was a few kilos lighter when I joined the company 20 years ago. I must have done more sport then and the home-cooked meals were less tasty than my wife's fine cuisine.

What is the biggest difference in real estate between 2001 and 2021?
In 2001, exposés were still sent by mail and we pasted the photos developed by the photographer by hand. In addition, we only had six or seven employees and not 43 like today. Back then, everyone did everything; today, we work much more specialized and as a team. 

What was your funniest experience during your countless visits?
I was once allowed to ride a private funicular to the property at a property in the Zurich Oberland. The property was on a steep slope, so the owner installed his own funicular.

And which is the most annoying?
I can't think of any. As a service provider, you have to cope with setbacks and are always at the mercy of the various whims of the sales force. I generally suppress negative energies and focus on the success stories.

What was the most spectacular property you ever sold?
Two properties come to mind: On the one hand, a property on the Suvretta slope, which at the time fetched one of the best prices in the market area and even in Switzerland. On the other hand, of course, Eugensberg Castle, which, at around 80 hectares, is one of the largest properties in Switzerland.

Was there ever a property that you later regretted not buying yourself?
Of course I did. There were many properties that you should have bought yourself. Especially when you consider how prices have doubled or even tripled since 2001. So one would have to be very angry today about one or the other purchase that was not made. But then I would be biased and would not be able to sell properties that we as brokers have to sell to our clients at the best possible prices.

What was the best advice your father gave you along the way?
My father advised me early on to earn my spurs outside the business, and so he also told me that he didn't expect me to be in the business until I was 30.

Are there also things that you did completely differently than your father?
Yes, my father is an excellent consultant and focused entirely on that. I, on the other hand, focus on business development, have driven growth and led the company into a new era. This includes expanding services and branching out, which has now reached five locations. We want to continue to develop at least one service or new location every year.

What would you have become if you hadn't been born into a real estate family?
I worked for McKinsey as a supporter for 17 francs an hour when I was 17 and was very interested in the consulting business at the time. So without my background, I would have done anything to work for a big management consultant.

Digitization has brought new suppliers onto the market. What has that changed for Ginesta?
Digitization is a challenge for all of us, and new providers have entered the market in both the digital and analog sectors. But various providers have also disappeared. I think constant change is the only constant. However, Ginesta has always been good at adapting and thinking ahead. Just a few days ago, I wrote the annual report for the attention of the Board of Directors with the changes and innovations 2020. I was amazed myself at how long this list turned out to be in Corona Year 2020 alone.

Brokerage fees also came under pressure with these providers. Is the business still worthwhile at all?
Of course, the business is still worthwhile. However, it is true that today you should drive a more "economy of scale" model and we are convinced that our size gives us better relevance and market presence. That will continue to increase in the future. Meaning sales volumes will increase, but commissions will continue to come under pressure. The new systems will help us to be successful despite all these changes, as we have been for the last 77 years.

Are there any other regions where you would also like to be present with Ginesta Immobilien?
As mentioned, we would like to offer an additional service or open a new branch every year. There are still many locations in German-speaking Switzerland alone that we want to conquer. At the moment, we are planning a branch in Winterthur and would like to conquer northeastern Switzerland from there, and other locations are also currently being closely examined. 

You also do property management with Ginesta Immobilien Verwaltungen AG. Are there any plans to develop other areas? Ginesta Construction Management? Ginesta Financing?
In addition to the valuation desk, Ginesta Immobilien also has an administration department and is therefore ideally equipped to offer portfolio management services in the future. On the one hand, we can optimize the income and costs of properties while valuing them at the same time. In this way, we can give clients a comprehensive X-ray view of returns. At the moment, I rule out building or talking financing ourselves, because that doesn't fit our DNA.

And now a few personal questions: During a romantic city trip with your wife, do you look in the shop windows of the local real estate agents or can you refrain from doing so for once? 
Surprisingly, I am not particularly interested in real estate abroad. I hardly ever look at the brochures there or stand in front of the shop windows at the local real estate agents.

Where does your fascination for the energy teaching Feng Shui come from?
Feng Shui is fascinating for me only because I see the benefit of this teaching 1:1 and with every further sales success I am confirmed that it is beneficial for real estate sales. Unfortunately, not all sellers are open to it. In these cases, we often work in the background to optimize the energies of properties for sale.

Art Nouveau or Building House?
Art Nouvea

Penthouse apartment near Central Park or country villa in the Hamptons?
Penthouse apartment near Central Park. But at the weekend the Hamptons are not a bad choice either ...

Can you imagine that your company will still go into the 4th family generation?
On the one hand, I can imagine it, but on the other hand, I believe that today you should increasingly consider partnership concepts and bind good people to the company in the long term. That's why you have to support the company broadly and retain good employees with participation opportunities and attractive conditions.

Would you do anything differently if you could go back to July 1, 2001 again with the time travel machine?
I probably would have bought every multifamily property or building lot available. Developers and multifamily owners alike had excellent returns and appreciation opportunities thanks to their real estate investments. We as brokers have not benefited from this development to the same degree.

Finally, the obvious question: Where will you be in 20 years?
In 20 years, I'll be just under 70 years old. By then, I'll have long since hung up my CEO job and will be spending more time traveling and playing golf. Maybe I'll even have a vacation home abroad and will only be in Switzerland for dental appointments. I will take care of the company succession in good time and ensure the continuity of the company for the next 97 years.

Thank you Claude. And all the best for these next 20 years.