Chur Rhine Valley: unbroken demand for residential property

A house or a condominium continues to be at the top of the wish list of many Graubünden residents. This is no different in the Rhine Valley of Chur, as the unbroken demand for residential property confirms. Since the turn of the millennium, sales prices per square metre of living space have doubled in many places, but a reversal of the trend is not to be expected.

"The appeal of the Rhine Valley in Chur remains strong. Therefore, prices for residential property are expected to continue to rise, although transaction prices are already quoted at above-average levels."

The market changes in the last quarters went hand in hand with the overall economic development. Meanwhile, low interest rates, the general economic situation, the level of prosperity and the changed behaviour in the private and business environment as a result of COVID-19 remain equally important factors supporting demand for residential property. A slightly dampening effect is exerted by the (self-)regulation measures and the associated higher financial requirements for the acquisition of residential property.

You can find detailed information in our market reports: