Anyone considering the sale of their property is best advised with a professional appraisal.

Traveling to distant countries is suddenly no longer as easy as it was for a long time. What has remained for most people, however, is the need for relaxation and change. This and the desire to invest in tangible assets have led to a significant increase in demand for a vacation home in the beautiful Engadine in recent months. So rapidly, in fact, that conventional valuation methods can no longer keep pace. Quite in contrast to the valuation experts at Ginesta Immobilien.

The basis of any real estate sales strategy is the appraised value of the broker and his forecast of market opportunities. In normal times, this appraised value is determined hedonically based on a combination of the physical characteristics of the property and the qualities of the location. But what if new factors such as a general investment emergency in a low interest rate environment and a pandemic are suddenly added? The most important thing: Keep calm and choose the right marketing partner.

First, appreciate hedonically, but do it right.
No matter how the world and the market is behaving at the moment: The property remains the property and the location remains the location. The bank and court accredited valuation experts at Ginesta Immobilien have access to a wide range of data and therefore have the best possible
factual basis to determine a sales price that really corresponds to the current market.  

Second: Bringing light into the darkness.
This refers to the real estate market, which is not very transparent. Sales are not made public, so the prices achieved are usually kept under wraps. under lock and key. In the canton of Graubünden in particular, such data is deliberately withheld by individual market participants. Thus only who permanently concludes many sales and has a deeper insight into the market due to the frequent valuation work for financial institutions, investors and courts, can also be confident in this market. market through frequent valuation work for financial institutions, investors and courts.

Thirdly: Think outside the box.
If you are also present where many buyers for a vacation home in the mountains come from, you have several advantages. With its national anchoring, Ginesta Immobilien has the possibility to estimate earlier when prices will develop in which direction and for which property which price can be achieved. 
which price can be achieved. In addition, with its large address database, you have direct access to this attractive target group, which would like to have a nice vacation home here in the Engadine. This is a plus from which sellers of a property benefit directly, especially in dynamic times like these.

Fourth, learning from history.
For more than 75 years, Ginesta Real Estate has appraised, sold, managed and administered properties of all types. There have been quiet times when prices developed prices developed linearly. And those in which it went rapidly up or, for example, down after the adoption of the second-home initiative in 2012. Based on this experience, they are always able to confidently seize the moment and achieve the price optimization that the market offers for their clients.

Fifth: Do everything right.
In the end, it's not only about money in important moments, which definitely include the purchase or sale of a property. It is also about the security of being competently and personally advised and accompanied during the valuation, the marketing, the assessment of the offers, the preparation of the contracts and finally the certification at the notary's office.

Therefore: If you are thinking of selling your vacation home in the Engadin now or in the near future, we strongly recommend an un-
a non-binding conversation with the real estate experts of the St. Moritz branch of Ginesta Immobilien. Sympathetically, directly and competently all questions are answered to estimate and sales. Who would like to inform first of all about the total offer of the real estate professionals, a visit on is recommended.

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