Consequences of the Corona crisis for the Swiss real estate market.

Although the Swiss real estate market cannot escape the effects of the corona crisis, according to the latest studies by the major banks (ZKB, UBS, CS), home prices for the first quarter of 2020 are proving to be more robust than feared.

Zürcher Kantonalbank PDF: Immobilienbarometer 1. Quartal 2020 

UBS Studie als PDF: Outlook Immobilienmarkt Schweiz, 23. April 2020, Claudio Saputelli

Credit Suisse PDF: Folgen der Corona-Krise für den Schweizer Immobilienmarkt

Credit Suisse Online Artikel: Corona zwingt den Schweizer Immobilienmarkt nicht in die Knie, von Fredy Hasenmaile, 1.4.2020

We too can confirm: Real estate is being sold successfully in these difficult times. What drives the buyers? Due to the expansive monetary policy of the central banks, a coming inflation is likely. In turbulent times, the housing market in particular is a stable anchor. However, we have noticed that only few new properties are coming onto the market. The sellers are waiting with their property sales. This leads to a shortage of supply, which further supports prices. 

The Swiss real estate market will not emerge from the Corona crisis unscathed. However, fears of an impending crash are unjustified.