A day in the life of Beatrice Knapp

Love and understand real estate

"If you broker a property convincingly and safely, you give it meaning. And that moves people."

We meet in Horgen, the office of Ginesta Immobilien at Lindenstrasse 3, with Beatrice Knapp sitting opposite me at the conference table in the meeting room. Her modern short hairstyle frames her charming face, which usually shows a smile.
"After having worked for a management company in Zurich for 14 years, it will be 20 years on May 1, 2020, when I will have been working for Ginesta Immobilien in Küsnacht, at that time still with André Ginesta," she says vividly. "I started in the administration department, but after a year I didn't like it any more, so I wanted to quit. It didn't suit the patron. You don't quit me and stay here," he is said to have said and offered her a position in the sales team.
From then on her function changed step by step. Beatrice Knapp was able to develop herself and with it her heart for real estate at Ginesta. Today, the active and clearly structured woman
responsible for sales mandates (houses and apartments) on the entire left bank of Lake Zurich.

If the world is still silent at six in the morning, she gets up. Even before she is in the shower, she thinks about the company, about the tasks to be done. In the kitchen, her husband has already prepared the morning power drink for her - a daily ritual. Together they discuss how the evening should be arranged. Beatrice Knapp is lucky, because her husband is a top chef and a wine expert. He takes care of the shopping, cooking and cleaning up the kitchen. She, on the other hand, is responsible for washing, ironing and office work.
She arrives at the office early in the morning in a motivated mood. Then she gets going. She meticulously prepares the documents for the real estate mandates. She is disciplined and precise, quality is her top priority. "My documents are always comprehensive and detailed; I know almost every detail," she says competently. Beatrice Knapp knows the market, knows the prices. She observes what's happening, exchanges information within the team and can also make forecasts. "My work consists of research, data and contacts with people," she explains. Her clear goal is to bring buyers and sellers together. So she leaves nothing to chance, she goes into the property well prepared and meets the prospective buyer. Now one of Knapp's outstanding qualities comes into play: her attentiveness. Not because mindfulness is the mantra of our time, but because it permeates all areas of life. From dealing and empathy towards people to the cultivation of relationships. Starting with the initial consultation, she builds up a relationship, feels her way around the interested party, picks up wishes and needs, feels herself into the person. She listens and inquires, she mediates the property convincingly and safely and thereby gives it meaning, something like this touches people. It is therefore no wonder that her success rate is high. "The highlight is then the notarisation of the purchase contract at the notary", says Beatrice Knapp, "which in some cases has already been very emotional".
Beatrice takes a seat
If her husband gets home before she does, she calls him so that he can prepare dinner. When she arrives home, she only needs to sit down and the evening together begins. Her interests are many and varied, most of which she shares with her husband. Whether golf, fitness, e-biking, hiking or spending time with friends. When asked what falls by the wayside in her professional commitments, she promptly replies: "Playing the piano."

Beatrice Knapp

Beruf: Senior real estate consultant, Horgen