Invitation to the vernissage WALDBILDER by the artist Markus Bühler

The Ginesta office at Bahnhofplatz 18 in Winterthur becomes an exhibition of the fascinating forest pictures by the artist Markus Bühler. He will be present at the vernissage, and share his idea behind the works with the audience. Register as soon as possible for this special event, places are limited.

With 2,694 hectares of forest, Winterthur is the most densely forested city in Switzerland. Around forty percent of the municipal area is covered with forest. The forest is a green lung, a local recreation area, a regional identity, a source of shade on hot days, a symbol of growth and a place of natural beauty. At the same time, the forest has something mystical about it, is often described in fairy tales as a dangerous, dark place and even the most fearless have flinched in the forest because of an unexpected rustling in the woods.

The inexhaustible source of inspiration forest

Markus Bühler, a freelance artist from Rickenbach since 2004, has taken it upon himself in one of his well-known long-term projects to fathom everything that the forest is for us. What feelings it triggers in us and how these can be concentrated in one picture and transported as an overall experience in many pictures. To do this, he took a lot of time to feel the changes in the course of the day with the changing moods of light as well as the change of seasons and to press the shutter release at the right moments and in the right places. You can experience the fascinating images that have emerged, sometimes with a calming and sometimes with a stirring effect, in which you can immerse yourself deeply, exclusively at this vernissage.

An evening under the sign of the forest

As a renowned real estate company with a new branch opening in Winterthur in spring 2023, we specialise in our built environment. We broker properties, accompany new construction projects and, with our expertise, ensure that the increased need for high-quality living space in the area of marketing and development is met with equally high-quality advice. This makes us, just like the forest, part of the beautiful city of Winterthur. With this vernissage, we are bringing these worlds together at a central location right next to Winterthur railway station.

Register now, places are limited

The event begins on Thursday, 30 November 2023 at 7.30 pm with a small aperitif. From 8 pm the presentation part starts with a short speech, a film about the project and an interview with the artist Markus Bühler. Afterwards, we will enjoy the effect of the pictures and the informal exchange together until 10 pm.

If you would like to be part of this unique opportunity, please register with your full contact details and the subject WALDBILDER as soon as possible, but no later than 15 November 2023, by email to

We look forward to this guaranteed weather-proof evening "forest walk" with you.