Interview with Sarah Vogler, Head of brokerage Horgen since the beginning of October 2023

Ginesta opened a branch in Horgen twelve years ago. At the time, it was the first branch next to the headquarters in Küsnacht, and today it is one of eight locations. A few days ago, the staff handover took place here and we met Sarah Vogler to find out from her what has changed since the opening in 2011, what her plans are and how she has prepared for this task.

Dear Sarah, how are you today?

I am doing very well, thank you for asking. And above all, I am very motivated to contribute here with my strengths in my own way. A steep pass and also a nice vote of confidence from the management, which I now want to turn into smaller and bigger successes.

That sounds like a breath of fresh air. Is this necessary?

I am taking over from Sarina Candinas an outstandingly well-functioning office with a great and experienced team. Both Beatrice Knapp and Xenia Schneider have been with Ginesta for years. I have also been with the company for one and a half years. And another positive thing is that Sarina will stay with the company and take on a new function in the area of investment properties and apartment buildings. This way, the know-how remains, but with such targeted castles, new impulses are provided at the decisive positions.

What new impulses do you want to set? Where is the journey going?

My focus will be to strengthen and update Ginesta's profile in the region, both with our target groups and with external influencers. With a clear picture of our qualities and our performance. Because the starting position today is quite different in various areas than it was twelve years ago. And I see my task as a brand ambassador for the region to communicate the clear advantages of working with us. A cooperation that focuses on the customer and his or her needs, and that uses digital tools developed in-house to gear our thinking and actions to meeting the customer's wishes and requirements.

What do you mean exactly?

Firstly, with the offices opened in 2022 in Zurich and Pfäffikon SZ on the Silver and Platinum Coast, we now have a clearly delineated region where we used to operate as far as the city of Zurich and the canton of Schwyz. This allows much more concentration on market development and networking between Kilchberg and Wädenswil. Secondly, this region has developed strongly and has become more and more attractive for a wealthy clientele that previously perhaps only considered the Gold Coast as a possible place to live. The good connections, especially to the motorway network, significantly shorter distances to the mountains, to the south, to central and western Switzerland, in addition to low tax bases and in some cases spectacular lake view locations have created a new dynamic in the upscale segment that will continue. Thus, in addition to the brokerage of down-to-earth properties for the middle class, a large market has opened up for premium properties with a demanding seller and buyer clientele, which we at Ginesta know how to serve in a traditionally competent, discreet and, as already mentioned, extraordinarily client-oriented manner. Thirdly, with the growth of the last few years, Ginesta has been able to create the specialist positions necessary for this demanding market cultivation and to once again raise the level of consulting to a new level, from acquisition to marketing and from the valuation desk to new construction expertise.

How did you prepare for this challenging task?

That happened all by itself (laughs). I have been working in real estate marketing for a little over ten years now - and I am passionate about it. Combined with my penchant for interior design and interior architecture as well as my good instinct for marketing and customer advice, I have developed the ideal basis for bringing sales negotiations to a successful conclusion. So it was easy for me to put a lot of energy and heart and soul into my training in the real estate sector and brand management, as well as into my jobs in marketing. The fact that I also have a great passion for travelling and languages, and have completed language stays in America and the French-speaking part of Switzerland as well as language courses in Italian, all plays into my hands for the task at hand. Last but not least, I have come to know and love the Ginesta philosophy since April 2022, first as a senior real estate marketer and then as deputy head of the premium segment. Everything is right for me here. On the one hand, I can develop very freely, on the other hand, I can count on an internal competence network when needed, which you can't find anywhere else so quickly.

You seem to be able to manage your energy well. Are there any reserves of power left?

Yes, there is still energy left. And I already know how I will use it. Because as a native of Central Switzerland with many years of experience in the Zug region, I plan to expand the Horgen market area in this direction. We have already successfully brokered the first properties behind the Zimmerberg.

Thank you very much, Sarah, for this pleasant and inspiring conversation. We wish you and your team every success.