We are happy when people talk about us.

We are familiar with the situation of many companies from the media: shareholders expect a healthy return year after year, and to achieve this, savings are made, restructuring is carried out, operations are relocated abroad, and the last bit is squeezed out of employees, suppliers, and all too often, unfortunately, customers. The willingness to provide services has decreased significantly in many places, or it has to be paid for dearly.

As a privately held company with no outside investors, we are completely free of this pressure and can afford to put our customers at the center of all our efforts at all times. They stand above all else and are the basis of our soon to be eighty-year existence. An optic that we do not want to and will not allow to be taken away from us.

That is why we are always particularly pleased when this commitment is rewarded with kind words. And we receive the assurance that we are on the right track with our offer, our professionalism and our way of always doing a little bit more for maximum satisfaction. 

Because shared joy is always double joy, we are only too happy to share these customer testimonials with you. Because you are our benchmark and you are welcome to measure us against it - yesterday, today and tomorrow.