The benefit of a professional assessment

Free online estimates, such as those we offer on our website, are a useful way to get an initial overview of the range in which a current selling price for one's property may lie. If you subsequently have a serious interest in selling and want to sell in the best possible way, you have to drill much deeper to develop a promising sales strategy in order to be able to go on the market with the right selling price. That's what we do every day: In 2021, we valued properties with a total market value of just under three billion Swiss francs.

There must be something wrong with that: More and faster estimates with significantly higher complexity

The word "online estimate" says it all. It is an objective approximation of a reality that has not yet been verified, which one tries to predict as well as possible for the future on the basis of empirical values from the past. There lies also the limit of these gladly free of charge offered calculations, which determine a result on the basis many unspecific and sometimes also somewhat grayed numbers in the data bases. The result is a correspondingly large bandwidth in which one can hardly be wrong. Nevertheless, this can provide the basis for deciding to sell one's condominium or single-family home.

At this point, however, no one should be satisfied with an estimate. Instead, they should only be satisfied with a valuation that realistically weights every single price-determining factor. And here we encounter a complexity that has increased on all fronts. Constantly changing regulations in building law and easements that govern the interaction of a development, all of which must be quantified. Rapidly changing demands on housing and energy concepts are having an ever greater impact on the prices achieved. This is all in addition to the frequently discussed dynamic of rising sales prices, which have led to increased demand with little change in supply.

Thus, the multitude of price-determining factors has increased significantly and their development is more rapid than ever. And only those who, like Ginesta Immobilien, are on the market every day with a large number of properties, have access to all the information necessary to determine the correct market price.

The misconception that the highest selling price is the best

If you now think that this crucial preliminary work can't be that important because the market will take care of it anyway, you are unfortunately wrong. A price that is too high stifles demand and market dynamics, and the marketer can't do his job optimally because he can't persuade potential buyers to submit their personal maximum price. In addition, by setting the price too high, the marketer excludes potential buyers who would have been able to afford the final price and who would have been willing to pay a higher price. If one sets the price too low, one appears untrustworthy and generates not only clear additional expenditure by many unnecessary inspections and the treatment of a multiplicity of offers to buy, but also to image-damaging disappointments with potential customers, who must determine finally that they were involved rather in a poker play than in a real estate purchase.

In addition, a competent valuation as a pillar of the sales strategy ensures significantly higher dossier competence for the real estate marketers for your contacts with potential interested parties and fewer surprises in the eventual sales price.

Therefore, only the right price positioning with an otherwise high level of sales competence, from the quality of sales information to the use of the right digital and analog channels to the target group and, of course, personal consulting competence in the sales process, ensures that the best possible price can be achieved in the desired time.

Only those who, like us, value many properties that also come onto the market, have the certainty that the value is correct in a valuation.
Cédric Hochuli
Head of Valuation Desk Ginesta Immobilien AG

What separates the wheat from the chaff 

To be able to make assessments at this level, you logically need the right training, a large network and a team that works its way into the hands by feeding the right information. Especially in dynamic times like we are currently experiencing, the factor of market access has become more and more crucial. An appraiser needs to be close to the transaction deals in order to be able to set about valuing new properties in line with the market with the necessary confidence. Something that is very much the case at Ginesta Real Estate. In addition, our valuers are accredited by courts and banks and thus have an extended neutral and valuable market know-how.

A strategy that works 

We seem to be right with our stance that only an in-depth valuation leads to the optimal sales strategy. Market acceptance of our offers is high, we have been able to halve sales times within the last two years and look back on sales and valuations of properties with a market value of well over CHF 3 billion in 2021.

We are happy to put this expertise and experience at the disposal of all property owners seriously interested in selling their property.

If you are interested in finding out, without obligation and free of charge, the range in which your home would be sold today, you can do so with our online appraisal.