Newsletter September 2020

Dear Real Estate Friends

We are all exposed to the built environment. So it is only natural that we all have an opinion about the aesthetics of what is being built. And there are as many opinions as there are people. Nevertheless, in the end someone has to decide what can and cannot be built. There are hard factors like statics, noise protection or environmental regulations. But there are also soft factors such as whether a project fits into its environment or not. This is where in the canton of Zurich the notorious article § 238 PBG, the so-called "Einordnungsartikel", is involved It states that everything that is built should fit into its surroundings in such a way that at least a "satisfactory overall effect" is achieved. The assessment of building projects in this regard is a delicate undertaking that has major consequences for our built environment.
Read more in our news article.

Sincerely yours

Claude Ginesta

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