Teambuilding à la Ginesta

Anyone who works year-round with great commitment and professionalism in the real estate sector, or who works in the background to ensure that everything runs smoothly, depends on a team that can trust each other almost blindly. This team spirit develops naturally on a day-to-day basis as we work together in a spirit of respect, appreciation and friendliness. And sometimes, at Ginesta, we add just a little extra putty.

Last Friday in August, we traveled together to Kerenzerberg and faced the six challenges of the Alpine Olympics. From tomahawk throwing to Alpine bowling, from chicken catching to mountain golf, from crossbow shooting to milking competition, we competed against each other with a lot of fun. And in doing so, we developed sometimes competitive ambition, sometimes unexpected comedic talent, and in any case a strengthened bond with the people with whom we otherwise deal primarily on a professional level. 

A perfect event in the most beautiful nature, which was concluded with a fine barbecue and the joint journey home in the coach. And above all, an all-round success, because there was a lot of laughter and everyone took home memories that could only be created in this outstandingly harmonious community.

Thanks to all of you at Ginesta. It's great to have you with us - in everyday life and in special moments like these.