Successful first Engadine real estate breakfast in St. Moritz

It was still a dark winter night when the crème de la crème of the real estate scene found its way to the breakfast table at the Hotel Schweizerhof in St. Moritz at 7.30 a.m. on Tuesday, 17 December.

Claude Ginesta, CEO of the host Ginesta Immobilien, welcomed the early guests to the first event. During a rich breakfast, more than 40 real estate and industry-related experts listened to the presentations of the guest speakers, who gave deeper insights into the Engadine and Swiss real estate markets. Sascha Ginesta, Managing Director of Ginesta Graubünden, presented the freshly printed Bündner market reports, while Andreas Ammann, Partner of Wüest Partner, Zurich, reported on the current assessments of the Swiss real estate market and the regional analysis of the Engadine. Finally, Alex Koch de Gooreynd, Partner Knight Frank, London, and Ginesta's long-standing international marketing partner, made an exciting excursion to other international ski destinations.

The "cosy part" following the presentations was extremely stimulating. During the informal exchange and a last coffee, the guests, speakers and hosts had lively discussions. The first Engadine real estate breakfast will certainly not be the last.

Here you will find the brand new market reports for the municipalities of St. Moritz, Pontresina, Celerina and Samedan.

The newspaper article about the event in the "Südostschweiz" is available here as PDF file.