Festival da Jazz St. Moritz: Successful Opening

The 15th Festival da Jazz in St. Moritz opened yesterday with great joy and enthusiasm. The opening event with invited guests took place in the venerable Dracula Club, quasi the birth cradle of the festival.

While in the two Corona years music was mostly played in larger concert halls or outdoors, yesterday evening was a very special occasion not only for the festival father, Christian Jott Jenny, but for all invited guests. For the Festival da Jazz is characterised, among other things, by a closeness to the artists that has become rare and that can be felt everywhere in the family atmosphere of the Dracula Club.

As a real estate marketing company based in St. Moritz, it is both a matter of course and an honour for us to make our contribution here. As the enabler of the Dave Grusin & Lee Ritentour concert on Saturday, 9 July, we are particularly pleased to welcome our customers to the Engadine and to spend an evening full of musical highlights and jazzy glamour with them.

Caption: Franco Giovanoli - Head of Marketing St. Moritz Ginesta Immobilien, Claude Ginesta - CEO Ginesta Immobilien AG, Christian Jott Jenny - Municipal President of St. Moritz and Festival Founder, Christina Maron - COO Ginesta Immobilien AG