Feng Shui: Life energy Chi - The invisible power

Claude Ginesta takes a break at the lake. "The water leads us to our feelings, it just feels good."

Claude Ginesta, CEO of Ginesta Immobilien AG, is one of the proponents of the teaching of Feng Shui and has already applied it to various properties - with success. Feng Shui is all about making people feel good, healthy and able to tap their full potential.

Feng Shui, a 3000 year old Chinese teaching, evaluates and optimizes the energy flow of living environments, entire houses and even individual rooms. Feng Shui is not a trend, but a long established philosophy, which is widely spread in Asia and increasingly applied in Europe. Ginesta Immobilien has also been convinced by the positive effects of the teaching. How does Feng Shui work? And when does it come into use? A brief outline.

What is Feng Shui?
It's not just about moving furniture and changing colors, but primarily about various energies that can be influenced or harmonized.

Earth Energy
Beneath the earth's surface there are quarries or water veins that can influence the well-being on the surface. Even simple measures, such as radiation-shielding mattresses, help many residents to sleep more comfortably.

Historical energy
According to Feng Shui, every property has a history. Often something has already happened on this property and it is possible that negative energies still weigh on this property. This part of the teaching is considered by many to be hocus-pocus and very incomprehensible. A rational argumentation is difficult here, we ourselves cannot explain everything. However, measures taken in connection with historical energy have shown us that objects can be freed from their prehistory and the inhabitants can feel comfortable in the premises again.

Structural Energy
Here, it is checked and defined how the walls are placed, which colours are used, in which direction the beds are aligned and how the entrances are designed. Central is the energy flow in the building. In the case of existing properties, this point is often difficult to implement. Often it is impossible to move walls or to carry out entire conversions for reasons of Feng Shui. With new buildings, on the other hand, this can be taken into account, but there are certain limits due to conditions such as the statics. Another example for commercial premises: In shops, one should try to design an entrance that is as Feng Shui-friendly as possible and make sure that the customer feels comfortable and at ease in the shop.

Where do we use Feng Shui?
It happens again and again that we are offered properties for sale in which one simply does not feel comfortable or in which even the original occupant has not become happy. In such cases we consult a Feng Shui consultant. His assessment of the building and its surroundings is very valuable for us. It may be that energetic Feng Shui suppression is required.
Our aim is to eliminate considerable resistance that a property or even the seller has. Because "resistance" has a massive influence on the sale of a property.

Two examples of a successful feng-shui accompanied sale

Living in the heart of Erlenbach
We had a property for sale in Erlenbach, which was already with another broker. The price was CHF 1.5 million, but according to our calculations the price should have been higher - CHF 1.6 million. We had felt that the energies were not so good with this property. As a result, we agreed on a higher selling price and called in a Feng Shui consultant. He took a close look at the house and its surroundings. The house was located quite far away from the village centre and the surrounding area was small, it was a collection of various flarz houses, the buildings stood very close together, like in an old hamlet. After his assessment and an energy treatment on site, the consultant advised us to use the following title for the marketing: "In the middle of Erlenbach's life". We would never have thought of the title, as the house was so far away from the village centre. But the title worked: it appealed to potential buyers who were looking for a village centre situation. After three weeks the property was sold. The buyer lives happily in this property to this day. The clever targeting of the target group or the energy treatment made a decisive contribution to the successful sale.

Child-friendly detached house
We had a single-family house in our sales portfolio for almost one and a half years and reduced the price from CHF 1.6 million to CHF 1.4 million. The Feng Shui consultant visited the property and immediately decided that the theme of this house was "Children". The owner thought twice and told us that she had raised four children in this house. Subsequently, we consistently focused our marketing on the theme of children. In our marketing measures we showed where the kindergartens and schools were located and created numerous titles with the message "child-friendly". The harmonization of energies also contributed to the fact that we had two interested parties after only three weeks and the price of the property was raised in a bidding process.

To sum up, we have found that Feng Shui can have a sales-supporting effect in real estate marketing. As in many other branches of the profession, there are not only serious but also numerous dubious consultants in this branch, who achieve little or no effect for a lot of money. Last but not least: We recommend to contact different specialists and to pay attention to your gut feeling when choosing.

Attention should be paid to this

We recommend both sellers and owners to pay the Feng Shui consultant according to time and effort. Unfortunately, some Feng Shui consultants try to take part in the commission, which we consider inappropriate. We also advise to give the Feng Shui consultants as little information as possible. Only object plans and a land register plan. The consultant should research independently and freely and find out what energy problems are present in the house. We regularly check Feng Shui consultants with plans of properties which we were able to sell very quickly and where the energy was obviously good. A good Feng Shui consultant will also tell you if there is no need for action with an object. Ask the consultant about the subject of the property and the concrete measures that are necessary for a successful sale.

Claude Ginesta

Job: CEO Ginesta Immobilien AG

Education: Real estate trustee with federal diploma,
                  Business economist