Retirement in the right home - making a dream come true

When you stop working, your living requirements often change. Thanks to the possibility of an early withdrawal from the pension fund, retirement is therefore an ideal time to once again intensively consider the purchase of a property that is ideally tailored to the new stage of life. In Switzerland, there are also good financial reasons for taking such a step.

As you approach retirement, you start to think about how you want to organise your life in future. It is not uncommon for the current living situation to no longer really fit in with the plans for this well-deserved time of retirement. Because one would rather go on regular trips and to cultural events than continue to spend a large part of hi or her free time in the elaborate garden – a nice flat in Chur would fit much better than the big house in Thusis. Someone else might prefer to move out of the practical penthouse near Maienfeld railway station and into a property with a garden in a picturesque village, where they can have their peace and quiet and their grandchildren can come over to play. So everyone has own wishes and should be able to fulfil them. The good news is: with a clear idea and timely preparation, the chances are good that this will succeed.

Way to the goal: Advance withdrawal of the BVG credit balance

When you retire, you can have at least twenty-five percent of the accumulated retirement capital paid out. Depending on the pension fund, a larger share or even all of it can be paid out. But here comes the big problem: there are always registration deadlines for this early withdrawal, which can be up to three years. If you miss this deadline, you can no longer insist on a payout. It is therefore advisable to clarify your options a few years before retirement.

More fiscally attractive than the pension

If you choose the pension, you pay the corresponding income tax on it for the rest of your life. This adds up over the years and so it is worth checking the payout. In addition, the capital is then out of reach in the pension fund. If you decide to pay out, the income tax is only due once in the year of retirement. And this is independent of the remaining income. This tax rate is regulated by canton and is significantly lower in the canton of Graubünden than in other cantons.

A good decision even in old age

Anyone who is in a comfortable position – and is already a homeowner and can sell the property for this step or pass it on to the next generation, or who is not dependent on the full monthly BVG pension – therefore has the opportunity to decide freely what to do with their own capital. You can hardly go wrong with buying a property. Because homeowners not only have advantages in terms of taxes, they also always have the certainty of a safe investment and the priceless pleasure of being able to enjoy life in their own four walls for as long as they want.

Well planned is almost won

Since not only the early withdrawal of the BVG assets needs to be well planned, but also the search for a suitable property and perhaps the sale of an existing property takes time, it is advisable to consult a specialist at an early stage.