Objects with that certain something

Anyone who flirts with the purchase of a property is calculating a lot. And then often decides from the heart. While searching through our files we found what we were looking for. Read charming anecdotes about the fastest sale, the most valuable residential building, the most beautiful hotel and more.

The most frequently sold object

The Suite Hotel Zauberberg in Davos
was first sold to a hotel investor. This investor sold it after two years and we were able to sell it to a consortium that converted the hotel into charming condominiums. With the subsequent sale of the condominiums, we have thus sold the property three times within four years.

The most prominent buyer

The company founder Achilles Ginesta sold Thomas Mann a house in Kilchberg on February 2, 1954. Thomas Mann's house also influenced some of his literary works. André Ginesta, then 13 years old, still has vivid childhood memories, as the famous buyer Thomas Mann was at home with the Ginesta family and toasted the new house.

The most valuable residential
house our company history

The transaction of the luxury villa in St. Moritz Suvretta with large building land reserves is certainly one of the ten most expensive private villa transactions in Switzerland. After the purchase of the Villa Mira Margna, the buyer also acquired the neighbouring Shah's Villa.

The largest apartment

We were entrusted with the marketing of an 800 m² apartment in Zurich. Our affiche: "Zurich's largest apartment". Two callers angrily pointed out to us that they had larger apartments in Zurich! The Tages-Anzeiger subsequently stole our photos from the homepage and wrote an article about "Zurich's largest apartment". The result: an angry client and a withdrawal of mandate, but also an appointment with the editor-in-chief of the Tages-Anzeiger, who admitted his mistake.

The most beautiful castle in Switzerland

Schloss Eugensberg is a very special place with its
History (the builder was the viceroy of Italy and stepson of Napoleon) and its size of over 80 hectares makes it one of the largest and most beautiful castle estates in Switzerland. Within eight months of the start of the sale, we succeeded in finding a buyer in a private sale for the creditors of the bankruptcy estate Hugo Erb AG.

The most alpine property

For a foundation we were awarded the
Sale of a chalet with farm, chapel and restaurant in Val Sinestra (Lower Engadine) entrusted. The property was built by Wilhelm Mengelberg, the famous conductor and founder of the Amsterdam Concertgebouw Orchestra. The ensemble covers an area of over 160,000 m², is situated 1,711 m above sea level and, depending on the snow situation (e.g. danger of avalanches), is not accessible in winter at all or only by special vehicles. Today it is run as a restaurant with a guesthouse and is a popular destination for excursions in the Lower Engadine.

The most beautiful lakeside property

For the community of Männedorf
we are looking for a buyer of the listed Villa Alma. The villa became famous through the television series Lüthi and Blanc. In the house was a retirement home, which should have left the property with the sale. A very wealthy, over 90-year-old resident found out about it and called the director of the home to her home. She wanted to know from him how long he still wanted to work until his retirement. Then she made an offer to the municipality of Männedorf to purchase the villa for 25 years under building law. The accumulated building lease interest was transferred immediately. Thus the operation of the retirement home and the job of the home manager were secured. With this solution, the community will soon be able to decide once again on the future of Villa Alma.

The cheapest object

In Küsnacht we have sold a 900 m² plot of land adjacent to the forest with a forest hut. The distance to the forest prevents further overbuilding. The property was sold a few years ago for less than CHF 100,000.

The most beautiful hotel

The Hotel Seehof in Davos has moved
Times behind. In the 1990s it went bankrupt and was bought by a bank, which sold it in a portfolio of a hotel group. We successfully sold the hotel for them - to the original owner, who had to give up the hotel in the 90s due to cancelled bank loans with a heavy heart. The Hotel Seehof is the gateway to Davos and with its 5 stars is today one of the best hotels in Switzerland.

The fastest sale

At the Zürichberg we were Sale of
an exclusive villa, which belonged to a well-known business leader. The personality was in the crossfire of the media every day. It was essential to complete the sale quickly and very discreetly without media attention. We found the buyer with a direct approach and were able to complete the transaction with a viewing in a short time. The media only picked up on the sale months later.