The butler as a role model

Swiss Butlers

The cultivated interpersonal relationship with our customers is part of our core business. In order to keep them at the highest level and because appearance competence in the business environment is always subject to adjustments, Ginesta has organized a business etiquette course with the well-known etiquette coach and butler Hanspeter Vochezer ( for its sales and front office employees. This has been extremely well received by our employees.


 "Mr. Vochezer's course was a great experience. He showed me how I can act politely, friendly and courteous even in difficult situations without losing sight of the goal. Mr. Vouchezer also showed me a great trick how to remember names quickly and well. I am extremely grateful for this. Because the personal address with names is still the highest etiquette"  Nicole Gull

"Mr. Vochezer has impressively brought to our attention the highest commandment "the customer is king" from a butler's point of view. Of course, the level of a professional butler is something else again, but certain aspects of service in and of itself can be applied more often in everyday work."  Sharon Stadlin

"Many examples from his work as a professional butler we were able to understand from our own experience and derive good tricks & tips for our needs. In addition to the valuable teaching material, it was also extremely entertaining to gain an insight into Mr. Vouchezer's everyday work as a professional butler.“ Pascal Ryser

"Even rather banal actions such as: stylishly serving a coffee or pouring a glass of water were demonstrated by the professional butler in an entertaining but at the same time memorable way. The course was very valuable for me!“ Jessica Chavez

Thanks to its excellent network, built up through mutual trust and many years of experience, SwissButlers has access to a circle of experienced and professional housekeeping staff. Ambition, commitment and training are the key to success, along with trust.